ABS for Individuals and Race Directors
Designed for tracking and safety.
Our FREE live tracking app lets you share your training runs and live events with friends and family. The app provides real-time information like run time, pace, distance, elevation and more. You can enable tracking and share with only the people you choose or display on our event screen for our spectators to view. A perfect tool for your friends to meet you at the finish line!
COMING SOON: We are adding new features which will include a patent pending system called H.E.L.P (aka / Home Emergency Launch Pad). This will allow a runner to send a message to the race director during events or a friend during training that you need help. You will have 10 seconds to disable the alert to prevent the app from calling 911. If not done this will trigger an emergency 911 call and send your GPS coordinates to the local authorities.
ABS Benefits
– LIVE event tracking
– User Dashboard to monitor progress
– Event updates, delays, weather alerts
– Event route maps
– Share with friends & family
– Allows the event directors and first responders to track event progress
– H.E.L.P. Alert (Coming soon)
– Download mobile app
– Open app, start timer, begin your run
– Enable Live tracking
– Share with friends and family
– LIVE event tracking
2. Open App, login and load the event course map.
3. Just before the race begins, click timer then start
4. Click enable tracking to start live tracking
5. Share with friends and family!
6. Followers see you revent in real time!

Race Director – Event progress and tracking
Make sure your participants can share your event experience with friends and family…
Having orchestrated 100’s of events nationwide, we understand how important it is to know the who, what, when and where that is happening on the course. You can’t be everywhere at all times so this ABS system will keep you in the know. Check out the benefits this offers race directors!
Event Notifications: Need to reach participants fast? The app will allow the event director to push notifications, event delays, weather alerts, status updates, etc.
– Display race course for participants
– Locate participants on the course
– LIVE tracking
– Include markers, port-o-potties, water stations
– Event notifications, weather alerts, delays, etc.
– Use the app as your turtle
– First Responder Locator tool
– Public Display.
– Social Media – share on Facebook®, Twitter® and text messages
– Acts as a back-up for timing software
– Login or create a new account
– Map your race using Google® maps
– Tell your participants about ABS
– Participants track themselves LIVE at your event
Watch your event go viral as participants share their event experience with friends and family on FaceBook®, Twitter® and via text messages
Race directors must load their course maps into the Athlete Buddy System (ABS), if they have not done this please email them this link and ask them to do so: http://www.runwalk.events/GPS/RaceDirectors.asp
1. Login or create a new account (Click here to create a new race director account)
2. Map your course using Google Maps®
3. Tell your participants about live tracking.
4. Participants track themselves live at your event!